Prince admonishes Trump, praises others

PrinceAlbertAlthough the day after US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord Prince Albert made an official statement in writing and commented at a welcome address during an energy forum at the Monaco Yacht Club, the Prince was in the US this week saying the American leader should listen “a little more carefully” to scientific evidence on climate change.

The Prince was speaking at the first UN conference on oceans. The long-standing supporter of environmental activism added that if he met President Trump in person he would ask him to “look at the tremendous implications that go along with having the US withdraw from the Paris agreement”.

Without mincing his words, Prince Albert said that the US withdrawal was “catastrophic.” He tempered this by saying that the reaction of many US leaders, including state governors and mayors, has been “wonderful”.

“So I think there’ll be a tremendous movement to … keep the fight against climate change alive around the world and in this country,” he said.

Without the leadership of the United States, the worldwide movement to fight climate change remains strong,” Albert said. “We’re not doing this just for ourselves, not for now, but for future generations, and I think that should resonate in most people’s minds and hearts.”

Prince Albert added that Monaco Explorations will send the vessel Yersin on a three-year voyage from next month with a number of expert teams that will carry out research in nine remote locations. The 250-foot ship has six laboratories and is designed to create no pollution.

