Monaco joins Convention on bees

Photo: Matthieu Aubert
Photo: Matthieu Aubert

As part of the partnership with the Parco Europeo Alpi Marittime and the Mercantour National Park, the Government of Monaco is joining up to the new Convention signed on August 3: “Bees of the Mercantour-Alpi Marittime territory: diversity and pollination.”

This text will help all parties to refine their knowledge of the diversity of wild bees within the Mercantour-Alpi Marittime region. The Convention will also help to understand interactions between wild bees and heritage environments such as hay meadows. These are important areas for these species, which help to ensure pollination.

The Convention also provides for an inventory in the Principality to identify the different species of bees. This project complements the ATBI/IBG Mercantour-Alpi Marittime programme, which was initiated in 2008 with the support of the Prince’s Government and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.

An exhaustive list of species, together with a better knowledge of their lifestyle and interactions, should enable managers of these areas to propose policies to ensure the maintenance of biodiversity in the long term.



